Vendostore*scrumworks +442031399063

The charge Vendostore*scrumworks +442031399063 was first reported Sep 21, 2023.
Vendostore*scrumworks +442031399063 charge has been reported as unauthorized by 54 users, 20 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Vendostore*scrumworks +442031399063.


  • Lili
  • Oct 20, 2023
Neviem o žiadnej transakcie ktorú som mala údajne zaplatiť!! Z akého dôvodu ste sa mi opovážili mi zobrať peniaze z MÔJHO ÚČTU?! Okamžite žiadam o VRÁTENIE PEŇAZÍ!!!

  • Tomas L.
  • Sep 21, 2023
Not authorized transaction. How the hell they managed to bill me something?

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Level of Distrust

54 Unauthorized
20 Authorized

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