UBR Postmates

The charge UBR Postmates was first reported Feb 14, 2022.
UBR Postmates charge has been reported as unauthorized by 50 users, 11 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about UBR Postmates.


  • Susan Sharp
  • Sep 10, 2022
We have not used UBR Postmates or any of the other partners of this company. The charge is for $47.59. Please contact me for a refund.

  • Joe Fernandez
  • Feb 14, 2022
6/8/21 charge of $53.48 I need information on this transaction to validate that this was a legitimate charge, if not I will report this as unauthorized to Chase credit services

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Level of Distrust

50 Unauthorized
11 Authorized

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