TARGET 00011502

The charge TARGET 00011502 was first reported Jan 10, 2014.
TARGET 00011502 charge has been reported as unauthorized by 70 users, 11 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about TARGET 00011502.

Most Useful Comment
  • Fu
  • Sep 8, 2014
Unauthorized transactions totals in $4200 in my credit card, by TARGET 00011502

Mark as Useful [2 votes]


  • John
  • Apr 14, 2016
Single unauthorized charge; $373.00 on 13-APR-2016: PAYEE: TARGET 00011502 PURCHASE FROM: TERMINAL 416407, TARGET 0001, 1502 FLUSHING NY

  • APro
  • Jan 27, 2016
unauthorized charges on my credit card from TARGET 00011502. Nine charges total in January 2016

  • we-have-been-scammed
  • Dec 7, 2015
1 unauthorized charge for amount of $271.10 from merchant TARGET 00011502, Location: FLUSHING, NY on my Greendot card: $271.10 TARGET 00011502 Location: FLUSHING, NY Purchase Date: 12/3/15

  • Mei
  • Apr 23, 2015
unauthorized transactions by target 0001150 in my credit card. Total amount is $1104.

  • juan
  • Apr 6, 2015
There are some unauthorized charge as TARGET 00011502 within my credit card. The total amount is about $750.

  • Gali
  • Mar 16, 2015
5 unauthorized transactions by TARGET 00011502 on 11/03/2015 total = $4060

  • gl
  • Nov 1, 2014
7 unauthorized transactions by TARGET 00011502 on 10/23/2014.

  • ling
  • Sep 9, 2014
2 unauthorized transactions total of $1086.58 by TARGET 00011502 on Sep 8 2014

Most Useful Comment
  • Fu
  • Sep 8, 2014
Unauthorized transactions totals in $4200 in my credit card, by TARGET 00011502

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
Most Useful Comment
  • Nan's credit card
  • Sep 8, 2014
There are some unauthorized charge as TARGET 00011502 within my credit card. The total amount is about $4700.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]

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Level of Distrust

70 Unauthorized
11 Authorized

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