Ref # D-26182602 Merchant :ANC ANCESTRY CO UK ance DUBLIN

The charge Ref # D-26182602 Merchant :ANC ANCESTRY CO UK ance DUBLIN was first reported Dec 12, 2021.
Ref # D-26182602 Merchant :ANC ANCESTRY CO UK ance DUBLIN charge has been reported as unauthorized by 52 users, 14 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Ref # D-26182602 Merchant :ANC ANCESTRY CO UK ance DUBLIN.


  • Jack
  • Dec 12, 2021
Transaction Date 7 Nov 2021 @ 01:11:59 I have no knowledge of authorising this payment . I request the transaction be reverse 19.99 GBP. I await for your reply. Many thanks for your urgent assistance in this matter. Regards John Southwell-Keely

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Level of Distrust

52 Unauthorized
14 Authorized

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