The charge PROG DIRECT INS INS PREM was first reported Jan 14, 2014.
PROG DIRECT INS INS PREM charge has been reported as unauthorized by 73 users, 17 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about PROG DIRECT INS INS PREM .

Most Useful Comment
  • Chanda
  • Jan 30, 2016
PAYMENT TO PROG SELECT INS-INS PREM This is not progressive. I called progressive to dispute the transaction and they didn't have any record of it. Not only that, the transaction description on my bank statement is slightly different. Not the exact same. Dispute this charge with your bank, this is fraudulent.

Mark as Useful [6 votes]


  • Shue
  • Feb 22, 2023
My cashapp was charged amount of $76.90. Direct debit. No info of contacts left on my statement nor when it came to my email. Definitely no way I let someone take that chunk of money without me knowing that they can.

  • andy van eeden
  • Feb 8, 2023
i'm getting a debit order taken off from Insgaprem no idea who they are and can't find out about them any one had the same

  • Catarina Farina
  • Feb 5, 2020
i just saw that this company has been charging my account for a year. the total is 2K. my bank will only cover 400. what do i do!

  • me
  • Jan 8, 2020
2020 welcome, I got hit for 428.56 which messed up my rent!!!! my monthly payment is only 110.00 smh. and I do have progressive so the bank teller kind of laughed at me like duhhh its progressive which infuriated me and I cussed her dumb ass out because there is not a single charge from progressive with this same exact name! smh had to report fraud.

  • Gina Gatti
  • Sep 13, 2019
I got charged 30 for no reason and would like to be refunded right away

  • FancyFrog
  • Jun 15, 2019
I have an unauthorized debit of $46 on my checking account from PROG SO EASTERN INS PREM 06-04-2019. I do not have insurance through this company and did not authorize this charge!!

  • FancyFrog
  • Jun 15, 2019
I have an unauthorized debit on my checking account from PROG SO EASTERN INS PREM 190604, 06-04-2019. I do not have insurance through this company and did not authorize this charge!! Lisa Smith

  • Dom
  • Jan 26, 2019
Ive been getting charged payments from this prog thing it took $216.15 out on the 25th 2019

  • JSN95
  • Oct 9, 2018
Been charged from PROG DIRECT INS for 32.65 within 3 days twice, on phone with them and they can not locate the transaction what so ever. Really frustrated as I am now negative 63.86 in my account!

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Juana Del Handy
  • Sep 26, 2017
I Have $51.77 being withdrawn from my account. How do I stop it or find out who is charging me?

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • juana Handy
  • Sep 27, 2017
I did call the 800 number you posted. I was immediately transferred to a very nice man who verified the charges on my bank statement. He found out Progressive was insuring my Motorhome. And he passed me to the Motorhome department. The nice lady verified my charges. I told her I had cancelled the Insurance the first of September. She quickly cancelled my insurance and I will have a refund. So win win.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Keri
  • Aug 29, 2017
I just got a text alert saying my card was charged for 35.10, I haven't used this card in over 6 months.

  • Angel1011
  • Jul 6, 2017
This charge first appeared on my bank statement in May of 2017 in the amount of $56.25. I never authorized this charge. How do I get them to stop?

  • steve
  • Jul 17, 2017
i too have been hit starting in Jan 2017 i am on the phone with them now and demanding it be stopped and demanding a refund

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • May 16, 2017
unauthorized withdrawal from my father's checking account!

  • Max
  • Mar 25, 2017
PROG DIRECT INS INS PREM instantly transferred $1,597.68 out of my account via ACH transaction. Progressive Direct and Progressive Select are affiliates of Progressive Insurance. Usually for special circumstances, like car insurance if there is a DUI on your record or whatever but also depends on the state you live in and coverage area they are offered. The customer service department @ Progressive is slow. The first time I called they said Progressive Direct was a different company altogether. It's not. They just have so many affiliates that not even their own customer service department can keep up. Before I even mentioned the transaction, I asked the representative if there was a policy in my name. There was no policy in California where I live. I was not satisfied and had the representative check all 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. After confirming there was no policy in my name, I asked to speak to a supervisor (supervisor was actually very professional and helpful. She embodied what I define as customer service; putting the customer first before anything else) Anyways, long story short, I gave them the exact amount that was transferred out of my account and did not let them off the phone until they went through every single transaction they had over the last few days to find mine. And they did, they found it. They just can't do anything about it, because it was an ACH instant transfer. And they can't verify that I am who I say I am (my identity). Not that it makes any difference because they don't even verify the name on the policy matches that of the bank account where the funds are coming from. According to them, how would someone make a payment on someone else's policy then? Yes, of course, I did not even consider what a burden it it must be on those who wish to pay for someone else's policy. Aww, poor them. From my experience with this, the very first thing to do is call the bank, usually the big banks like Chase (my bank) have customer service 24/7. File a claim immediately, and, if I knew then what I know now, the bank may say some bull**** like, "We can not make a claim until the transaction goes through." I would have told them that they can shove that transaction up their a** and I'll deal with Progressive myself. If Progressive calls me about a cancelled payment they are collecting on, then they can send me a f***ing bill, OK? Instantly transferring $1500 without my authorization, I don't think so. But, I let the transaction go through as Chase suggested because I did not know better. BIG mistake. All in all, due to a "computer error" and whatever other disaster is happening over at Chase, it took nearly 6 weeks to even get my temporary refund while they "investigate" my claim.

Mark as Useful [3 votes]
  • Carolyn Hartshorn
  • Jun 7, 2016
I was charged $48.90 on my bank statement saying Prog Speciality/type Ins preium Id had charged me. I dont have insurance with them and this is a fraud which I'am reporting to my bank. I called customer service at Progressive Ins and that's what they said to do.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Keenan Price
  • May 13, 2016
I has a charge to my card yesterday for something I didn sign up for and found this.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
Most Useful Comment
  • Chanda
  • Jan 30, 2016
PAYMENT TO PROG SELECT INS-INS PREM This is not progressive. I called progressive to dispute the transaction and they didn't have any record of it. Not only that, the transaction description on my bank statement is slightly different. Not the exact same. Dispute this charge with your bank, this is fraudulent.

Mark as Useful [6 votes]
  • Sandee
  • Feb 12, 2016
Same happened to me. Twice in 3 days, both different amounts. Same description. I don't know how they would have gotten my checking account number.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Dale
  • Mar 8, 2016
Same thing happened to me just yesterday. Mine appeared on my company's checking account and reads INS PREM PROG SELECT INS 1056. Can anyone tell me what the conclusion was from your bank? Mine was over $1,000.00 and I know that I have not approved any direct debit for that amount. I went to my bank today and filed a dispute, but am freaking out that they took so much from my account! Now that I read that it happened to someone twice, I'm thinking I need to close my account and re-open a new one.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Nick
  • Mar 23, 2016
I just got hit for $ 266.81 on 3-7-16.Which looks like a normal premium deduction. The only problem is that I don't use Progressive and it came out of my health savings account. They also pulled it off without approval from me.I have issued a complaint for the fraudulent charge.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Theroyalgy
  • Apr 29, 2016
I have had this charge at my bank for over 10 months! (my wife's account) This one is $88.17 each month! That is $880.00! My wife is not able to keep up with her account as the is ill. I have just not caught it until now. Progressive Insurance does not have any record on these charges and shows no account for any insurance in my wife's or our name.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Loklek
  • Aug 8, 2016
I got one on my bank statement. I don't recognize what is this how can they know the bank I got? I was charge $ 101.70 I better call my bank tomorrow.

  • Jake
  • May 4, 2015
First, I didn't know if this was Progressive or not because it took it out of my Savings accounts, which I don't remember setting up.. But the amount of the charge DID match my monthly insurance premium, so I realized it had to be Progressive. Plus, it was the first time they had charged me, so it made sense I didn't recognize it.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]

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73 Unauthorized
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