
The charge Omo-app.io was first reported Jun 21, 2023.
Omo-app.io charge has been reported as unauthorized by 63 users, 16 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Omo-app.io.


  • PollyWollyDoodle
  • Jun 25, 2023
I joined Omo for one month and was charged 15.16. I was instructed to login thru the app, which I downloaded from the Google play store, as directed. When I tried to login, my information was rejected saying that my email was not registered. When I clicked on the get started button to see my already paid for plan, it took me down a rabbit hole asking all of the same questions. It then tried to charge me and additional fee. I want a refund. Not sure how to go about that. I paid for something that I am now unable to retrieve. Please advise.

  • Betty J Byers
  • Jun 21, 2023
Weight loss

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Level of Distrust

63 Unauthorized
16 Authorized

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