MSFT *BILLING 08006427676 WA

The charge MSFT *BILLING 08006427676 WA was first reported Dec 21, 2013.
MSFT *BILLING 08006427676 WA charge has been reported as unauthorized by 96 users, 12 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about MSFT *BILLING 08006427676 WA .


  • k.wallace
  • Jan 7, 2014
I am wondering why I have charges on my debit card in the amount of $71.00,$9.62,then another for $9.62....there was one from December 26,2013 also for $5.85.my card company has refunded that one for me and right now we are disputing all the other ones....I am hoping that they con get me my money back because my account was compromised....this really sucks,i want to know who is doing this to people and why...I never ordered anything from Microsoft....

  • Marilyn
  • Jan 2, 2014
Unauthorized billing

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96 Unauthorized
12 Authorized

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