Misc Food Stores-Unspeci

The charge Misc Food Stores-Unspeci was first reported Aug 5, 2017.
Misc Food Stores-Unspeci charge has been reported as unauthorized by 95 users, 20 users recognized the charge as safe.

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  • Margaret A Durso
  • Aug 5, 2017
I purchased Cel Isolate 100 mg and the cannabis balm. When I called to cancel any recurring shipments as product did not help I was told no more shipments or charges to appear. On 8/4/17 2 charges processed on my account 1) $79.99 and 2) 5.97 and I want them credited back to my account immediately as this seems like fraud. I should not be charged for items NOT ordered against an account that I did not authorize. Pls call me at 860-560-3665 as I'm unable to reach you via phone! Pls respond or I'll contact my bank immediately to report this as fraud. Margaret A Durso

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Level of Distrust

95 Unauthorized
20 Authorized

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