LEANINSP 8885889773 TX

The charge LEANINSP 8885889773 TX was first reported Dec 15, 2013.
LEANINSP 8885889773 TX charge has been reported as unauthorized by 87 users, 10 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about LEANINSP 8885889773 TX.


  • Jex
  • Jun 4, 2015
Charge $19.95 posted to my account 05/16/2015. Unauthorized - unknown company. Called my bank, they called leaninsp8885889773 TX. We were told LeanInspire is a 3rd party "membership biller". When asked leaninsp could/would not say who the company was that they billed for or how they got my personal info including card #. Bottom line - promised to get charge refunded, but my bank advised me to close my account and open a new one for security reasons.

  • Peg Woodruff
  • Jan 23, 2015
Never heard of the company. a $19.95 charge appeared on my account. I am going in tomorrow to report fraud.

  • smoore
  • Apr 25, 2014
A transaction from LeaninSP has appeared on my checking account statement/activity and I have never authorized any payment toward this person/busniess. I have no idea how they got my card number and I have never even heard of this company. This is awful... I have seen so many complaints about this company.

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Level of Distrust

87 Unauthorized
10 Authorized

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