GJP INC 515-248-7694 NY

The charge GJP INC 515-248-7694 NY was first reported Dec 22, 2013.
GJP INC 515-248-7694 NY charge has been reported as unauthorized by 92 users, 16 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about GJP INC 515-248-7694 NY.


Most Useful Comment
  • LTS Inc
  • Feb 4, 2015
This is for INC Magazine or Fast-Company Magazine which are two of the worst spammers you'll ever encounter. The sole purpose of these magazines is to harvest your business email address and once on their list you will receive an endless stream of "exciting offers!" from their 'partners'. You cannot unsubscribe to all their bullsh*t emails... you have to respond to EACH PARTNER EMAIL as it comes in. As to the charge - found it on my account listed as GJP*INC in New York and did not recognize charge. Good thing I looked it up! I subscribed for one year in 2014 and these ass-hats resubscribed me without permission.

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Level of Distrust

92 Unauthorized
16 Authorized

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