GIVINGLI 00000000

The charge GIVINGLI 00000000 was first reported Jan 2, 2023.
GIVINGLI 00000000 charge has been reported as unauthorized by 70 users, 19 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about GIVINGLI 00000000.


Most Useful Comment
  • David Brown
  • Jan 2, 2023
They got $72 from me. Purely fraudulent and card company not willing to help.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
Most Useful Comment
  • David Brown
  • Jan 2, 2023
They got $72 from me. Purely fraudulent and card company not willing to help.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]

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Level of Distrust

70 Unauthorized
19 Authorized

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