Dell Sales & Services 886-393-4960 US

The charge Dell Sales & Services 886-393-4960 US was first reported Apr 13, 2016.
Dell Sales & Services 886-393-4960 US charge has been reported as unauthorized by 66 users, 10 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Dell Sales & Services 886-393-4960 US.


  • Johnelle
  • Apr 20, 2016
I was drawn by the hontsey of what you write

  • Gerry A
  • Apr 13, 2016
I live in Spain and I have had 3 charges against my Debir Card Account amounting to $594.15 from these scammers. Like others, we all explain what has happened to us but no one seems to offer any advice as to what we should do about it? I have informed my Bank and tried to contact Dell services to no avail, so where do I go from here to get my money back???????? Any ideas??????????

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Level of Distrust

66 Unauthorized
10 Authorized

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