Dec 29 2023 R4leif1*GS29 Orlando FL

The charge Dec 29 2023 R4leif1*GS29 Orlando FL was first reported Jan 21, 2024.
Dec 29 2023 R4leif1*GS29 Orlando FL charge has been reported as unauthorized by 69 users, 14 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Dec 29 2023 R4leif1*GS29 Orlando FL.


  • kthywin
  • May 31, 2024
Well, it's May 31, 2024, so I guess that answers my question...No one is chasing down answers for this fake company...I've noticed there are quite a few of these types in Florida....Wonder why no one stops them?? Kathy Wingate

Occurred nearly a month ago, I've just realized I never received any product for the money I paid. Dec 29 2023 R4leif1*GS29 Orlando FL Amount: – $198.78 Is it possible to get a refund from this company?? Or report them to the FTC and FBI? Kathryn Wingate West Columbia, S.C.

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69 Unauthorized
14 Authorized

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