This charge is on a visa credit card. Did not authorize this charge. Have no idea what it is for. Called the att number on charge information, could not get any information regarding this charge.
I was charged 215.49 and I checked all my records and nothing comes up anywhere. So what gives on this, someone is setting up a scam and I wonder if banks can trace the IP address back to where it originated from, that way they can fire or put that guy behind bars for fraud!
They charged my out of date AMEX $109. I haven't used that card for over a year, I have another card on file with them for 2 years and that one is charged monthly.
dont have att service, never had and now never will, they have no record of the charge ( they transfered me to prepaid, they unsure what to do) and no one else that we share credit card have att service either, we all share tmobile plan, i have to go through chase to dispute charge, and att cant even tell me why i got charged, never had good experience with att, they might have one of the WORST customer service EVER