apl itunescom/bill

The charge apl itunescom/bill was first reported Apr 29, 2015.
apl itunescom/bill charge has been reported as unauthorized by 63 users, 13 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about apl itunescom/bill.


  • devenir baldassi
  • Apr 29, 2015
I apply for free games not pay reference #24692163300spm1pe dates 4/09/15 twice,4/13/15 4 times 4/14 one 4/*15/15twice 4/17/15 one,4/18/15 $21.37 one 4/19/15 one 4/121/15 twice charges all charges for $ 10.69 please remove all charges and cancel the card ####

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Level of Distrust

63 Unauthorized
13 Authorized

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