APL.ITUNES.COM/BI/866-712-7753 CAUS. POS. Transaction

The charge APL.ITUNES.COM/BI/866-712-7753 CAUS. POS. Transaction was first reported Nov 13, 2015.
APL.ITUNES.COM/BI/866-712-7753 CAUS. POS. Transaction charge has been reported as unauthorized by 65 users, 12 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about APL.ITUNES.COM/BI/866-712-7753 CAUS. POS. Transaction.


  • Marian Currie
  • Jul 29, 2016
APL* ITUNES.COM/BI 07-24 866-712-7753 - unauthorized charges on my account. Why are you stealing money from my, and other peoples accounts? Stop it! I do not have money to give away for nothing in return. You are stealing my money!

  • Linda Robledo
  • Jul 24, 2016
Don't know what this charge is on my account. Please contact me for info on what was purchased. Thank You

  • Candice L. Lincoln
  • Nov 13, 2015
Several months ago, I uninstalled iTunes because it was working for me. I still am being billed and getting angry about it. Refund my $10.82 ASAP please. Sincerely Candice Lincoln

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Level of Distrust

65 Unauthorized
12 Authorized

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