AM CANCER SOC CV 800-2272345 GA

The charge AM CANCER SOC CV 800-2272345 GA was first reported Aug 28, 2013.
AM CANCER SOC CV 800-2272345 GA charge has been reported as unauthorized by 58 users, 28 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about AM CANCER SOC CV 800-2272345 GA.

Most Useful Comment
  • Tien Hoo
  • Feb 16, 2013
American Cancer Society 250 Williams Street NW Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 Tax ID Number 13-1788491

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  • P. Engel
  • Apr 21, 2017
$100 charge ont 8 April 2017. Not authorized. AMEX says they can't do anything.

Most Useful Comment
  • SLD
  • Nov 3, 2015
I just saw a $50 charge on my CC and I did not authorize this. Pretty sad when you have an organization like this that has to "steal" for contributions/donations. Sickening.

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Most Useful Comment
  • viola reichard
  • Jun 16, 2015
I have a charge on my charge account for $50.00. I did not authorize this and would like it removed from my charge a/c. You must have a record of this and have my a/c number. Transaction date 05/09/2015 post date 05/11/2015. In the mean time I will claim it as fraud on my account! I donate to the cancer foundation, but never with a charge card!!!

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Most Useful Comment
  • Tien Hoo
  • Feb 16, 2013
American Cancer Society 250 Williams Street NW Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 Tax ID Number 13-1788491

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Level of Distrust

58 Unauthorized
28 Authorized

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