ACTIOLDT, 961091023

The charge ACTIOLDT, 961091023 was first reported May 2, 2023.
ACTIOLDT, 961091023 charge has been reported as unauthorized by 67 users, 12 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about ACTIOLDT, 961091023.


  • ACTIOLTD 961091023 SGP
  • Sep 3, 2023
Transaction Date:2023-07-30 Posted Date:2023-08-01 Amount:$44.79 Merchant Name or Description:ACTIOLTD 961091023 SGP Reason for dispute:I did not authorize this transaction Contacted merchant:No Cancelled credit card:No Additional information:I dont know who the vendor is to contact them Dear XXXXXXX Thank you for contacting BMO Bank of Montreal to request a transaction dispute. We are currently experiencing a higher than normal volume of correspondence. Your patience is greatly appreciated. According to our records, the merchant has categorized their services under "GIFT,CARD,NOVELTY,AND SOU."

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Level of Distrust

67 Unauthorized
12 Authorized

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